Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 86: Cake Please!

Sorry if this letter is short...we got to our cyber late. It is great to hear about all of the family activities. I cannot believe how busy everyone is. 
This week we had a pretty good week. All the companionships in my district had transfers except for us, so yes, I have new missionaries in my district. We were able to have a family home evening with one of the families in the branch. They also invited their neighbors to the FHE so we were able to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. The mother of the family was not able to go to church yesterday, but the members have been helping us out and inviting her to church. She says that this sunday she is going to go. It is always the best when the members help us out with missionary work. 
I also had a leadership meeting in Mochis on friday. So I got to go and see pretty much everyone from my generation that is in Sinaloa because pretty much all of them are leaders. But it was a good meeting. We talked about chapter 3 of the teachings of Gordon B Hinckley that talks about how we need to be optimistic. As missionaries the people that have the most success (and the most fun) are the ones that can think positively and enjoy every moment. One of the missionaries said that the mission is like a carmel. It is hard and sweet at the same time. That we cant change our circumstances, but we can change our attitude. We talked about how we need to be positive and help all the other missionaries in our zones and districts have the same faith in their areas. 
So we have been trying to start having activities in the branch so that everyone can get more excited. So we have been planning on having a branch FHE every 2 weeks in a members house (because the church building is too far away for everyone). We are still not sure what we are going to do, but we have the activity planned for this thursday so we need to figure something out before then.
We have also been making a lot of cakes this week. Elder Sosa and I made our famous galletas marias cake for our FHE with the branch president's family. And today we made a cake with one of the members that we have been reactivating. It was pretty fun and delicious in the end. 
Well that was our week. and I need to go. :)
Love you so much 
Elder Snyder 

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